5 Hacks to Have Superb Memory and Active Mind

2. Use supplements and natural products

A memory supplement called ‘Nitrovit’ can be used to help you focus more and stimulate you. It might even help get your mood better if you are feeling down. Supplements like this can help you reach mental clarity and good concentration. This can be of great help in case you have a career that demands you to extremely focused and intuitive. However, you do have to consult your doctor before you start taking this supplement or other memory enhancing drugs.

As for natural products, Ginkgo is a kind of leaf that can help you have a better memory. As it is naturally found in Asian countries, students actively use its extract in drinks to improve their memory before and during exams. Ginkgo leaf extracts can also be used to treat mental diseases or help with depression. Generally, it just helps you reach clarity in your thoughts.