Apple is now a household name and there are very few other companies who have changed the world on such a large scale. In terms of total assets, Apple is actually the world’s largest technology company. To paint an even more accurate picture, Apple has more cash in its pocket than the US treasury. Pretty cool, huh? Here are 10 other facts that make Apple so amazing.
10. Epic timing

Every iPhone advert has the time at 9:41 AM. This is when Steve Jobs unveiled it in 2007. This includes the time displayed on the devices in promotional materials. It even extends to print ads and television commercials. But what’s the true story? Forty-two minutes into his keynote address, Jobs said, “Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone.” Then a picture of the iPhone, displaying the time 9:42, appeared on the screen behind him. But that changed in 2010 when the very first iPad was released. When that was revealed, it displayed a different time- 9:41. Jobs announced the phone at exactly 9:42, according to Engadget’s live blog of the event. However, for the iPad, they decided to go with 9:41, for no real reason at all. So for the iPad, they decided to go with 9:41, for no real reason at all.