11 Tips For Dating Short Girls

Dating a short girl is always going to be a fun yet challenging thing to do. It’s fun because her size itself is a fun and enjoyable thing. You can cuddle with her and completely pamper with her like you would with a little baby. It’s challenging because not always will she like to be reminded or felt like that she is short. Here are 17 tips for dating short girls.

11. Skip the cute compliment

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/433964114072137265/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/433964114072137265/

Yes, short girls are very cute. They are cute to look at, cute to make love to and even cuter when they are angry. But that doesn’t mean you will always call her cute. Sometimes she wants to hear that she is hot or sexy. Make her feel something other than cute like a baby.