Have you ever been left alone with your partner’s phone when they went to shower or to get a drink? Have it ever crossed your mind that this little box holds all their secrets, mysteries, thoughts; it’s their whole life in that little digital box. It’s like discovering the world of Narnia. However, no matter how much of a burning desire it is to scroll through that phone, it is a terrible idea for many reasons. Can’t think of any yet? Yes, you brain is probably trying to justify you action but I can surely tell you a few good reasons.
4. Put Yourself In Their Shoes

Would you want your partners to snoop through you phone? I know the answer is “No”. It’s not like you think they are cheating on you or you don’t trust them. The idea of just knowing about their lives, what they do when they are not with you, what kind of a person they are with other people, what their interests are, is very intriguing, I get it. But no matter what the reason is everybody has a private life of their own and if they were ready to reveal themselves to you they would in their own time. They wouldn’t want you snooping through their phone. They wouldn’t like it even if they had nothing to hide. It’s still a breach of privacy and there is a chance they might even feel insulted.