4 Odd Things Our Kids Wont Get To Experience

3. Riding a car was a luxury

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/140948663309008013/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/140948663309008013/

Don’t get me wrong, cars have been around for a long time now but back during our days, it wasn’t as common as it is today. Back then, when our parents bought a car we would go on a long drive just to celebrate the purchase. When we got our first car, it was almost as big as buying a home. We were given hundreds of conditions by our parents before we could take it out for a drive. And for those who didn’t have a car, they had to make appointments with their parent’s weeks in advance before they could borrow it. But the next generation of kids will be riding a car home straight from the hospital. They may even get their own car right before they graduate high school, so it is not much of a luxury item for them.

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