2. Trade your fear for confidence

There are many people who fear to socialize. This is due to their nature of being an introvert. You need to go and socialize. Start making plans with your friends. Put the effort to contact your old lost friends and plan to meet them. Trust me, you will feel good after spending some time with them. When you go to any party, interact with people. Stop having a disappointed face all the time. Try to look cheerful. People will then automatically feel interested in talking to you.
If you feel shy and awkward to socialize with the people you know, then try to travel to different places and meet new people. Interact with the new people, maybe of different cultures with different tastes and nature, try to know them and be friends with them. This can be a fresh start for you and grow your self-confidence. You need to release the knot of fears and shyness in the stomach. Socialize with the people. This will be not comfortable initially for you, but will make you look back at one point of your life to realize how far you have come doing things you were once afraid of.