The human face is probably the first thing we tend to notice. Hence, we do so many things to look good. We even apply lots of products to make our face look younger. Anti-aging cream, wrinkle removers and so on. But amidst all that, we end up forgetting about the rest of our body parts. Our hands are just as important as our face, and people can really look awkward if their face looks like a 20-year-old while their hands look aged beyond measure. Listed below are 4 ways in which you can keep your hands look younger.
4. Cover it up

The first and probably the easiest way to make your hands look younger is by camouflaging it. How do you camouflage your hands? Simple, you apply makeup on it. Now even then some people may not know how to do it. For starters, you could apply a very tiny amount, a pea size if you will, of liquid foundation to your lotion. Rub this mixture all over your hands to cover up the imperfection skin. It will also provide a natural, even look.