Human beings have always used perfumes throughout time and history. Even during the early stages of civilization, different things were used to on clothes or bodies to smell good. Over time, we have developed newer ways to smell better and keep our body odor away. Most of the time perfumes were made out of natural elements like oil extracts, flowers, and other similar things. We even started to add different chemicals to make the smell different, more powerful and everlasting. Listed below are several ingredients which have been used in perfumes that may make you surprised.
4. Tonquin Deer Musk

If you don’t have an idea as to what this is, then be prepared to be shocked. There happens to be a pod in between the legs of male deer. These pods release a spray which is thought to attract their female counterparts. Yes, we have been using perfumes with this musk in it for over 100 years and it is thought to be quite a vital ingredient. So the next time you wear a perfume and seem to attract female deer, then know that it contains the male musk in it.