Planning on spending the day in the great outdoors? Hiking is becoming very popular once again, as it gives us a brief break from the buzz of people and technology. However, hiking is more than simple fun; it has a number of benefits for both the mind and the body. Hiking, trekking, camping and nature related activities have major effects on the physiological and mental aspects of our brains. Besides getting your blood flowing and giving you a heavy dose of sweet, fresh air, hiking does a number of great things to the mind and brain. Here are just 5 of the benefits that you can get from hiking:
5. Hiking boosts your focus

Hiking sharpens concentration and focus. This helps many people who have trouble concentrating, especially children ADHD and other problems where they can’t pay attention. While medication can help relieve some of the symptoms, hiking can dramatically improve the condition. In fact, a study in 2004 found that hiking and other outdoor activities can help alleviate the persistent symptoms of ADHD. The best part? Hiking is fairly easy and can be done by people of all ages and health. Next time you feel jittery or have trouble with your kids, head out for a day-long hike instead of just reaching for the pills.