1. NBA 2k15

You don’t have to like basketball to like this game. In fact, this game is so good that it will actually make you want to play the sport. Yes, sure you can ask what novelty is there in this game and that all basketball games are the same. This one isn’t. NBA 2k15 deals with a lot of changes and has added quite a lot of new features. This includes the My Career mode which is sort of like the popular series One Tree Hill. You start off as a rookie and rise your way to the top to become An All-Star and a league MVP. On the way, you meet a bunch of people including cameos from different superstars and celebrities. There are obstacles and lots of backroom drama that you need to overcome to prove yourself. This isn’t your typical exhibition sports game but there is more to it. 2k Sports has actually invested a lot of time and effort in this game and it shows.