It is very understandable that it gets hard to get into the routine of eating well and working out. People just do not have the time to get into the habit as they have a work life and social life to keep up with. Its hectic, and paranoid every day you just grab a bite to eat whenever and wherever you are hungry. Who has the time to think about the calories and carbs? Exercise would just be another chore to add to that already hectic routine. However, there is also a thin line between maintaining a healthy routine and becoming obsessive over it.
5. Drink lots of Water

A fluid based diet is very important when it comes to staying healthy and fit. This tip can be heard anywhere and everywhere yet many people do not follow that rule properly. Drinking plenty of water not only keeps you hydrated throughout the day, it helps keep your skin healthy, aids your digestion, and provides more energy. So it would be great if you put down those carbonated beverages, sodas, and fizzy drinks and start drinking butt-load of water instead. At least 5 glasses of water each day is a must. If you want maximized benefits you can try the doctor recommended 8 liters a day no matter how tough that would be.