One of the biggest fears a woman has regarding her man is if he is cheating on her. The second biggest fear that she has is if he is secretly gay. Believe it or not, women do wonder if their men is gay or not quite a lot. In fact, some females wonder that about their friends too. It is not only females, some men wonder if their colleagues, friends, teammates or brothers are gay or not too. Well, if you are still confused, listed below are 5 signs that will confirm that he is gay.
5. Bathroom fixes

This might come off as stereotypical but this is quite true; gay men take a lot of time in the bathroom to get ready. If you want to know if somebody is gay, just take a look at their bathroom rituals. They will spend hours inside that room trying to get “ready”. They will shave, use hair products, facial products, fix their hair and their dress several times before coming out. Sure, it is good to make an effort to look good but if he owns more grooming products than an average lady then he is gay.