Worrying about the longevity of your relationship is quite natural amongst all couples. Relationships take a lot of effort; love and passion are not enough. Are you in a relationship and want it to turn into something more? Or, maybe, you are just an audience to a new relationship that is leading towards something long-term. Whatever the reason, these five signs will help you decide whether your relationship will last long or not.
5. You choose to be thankful, not resentful

All relationships have to stand the test of time, because as you spend more time with a person, you get to learn more about their flaws. However, instead of lamenting on the problems in your partner, try to remind yourself why you fell in love with your partner in the first place; remember the good times and how special the person can make you feel. Many-a-times, forgiving and forgetting is the way to go to prevent mental wounding and to sustain and heal a relationship.