1. You understand that you are responsible for your own feelings, not your partner

This understanding is not only applicable for boyfriend-girlfriend relationships but all bonds between people. You can be as happy as you want to be, but the vice-versa is also true. You should not expect your partner to take the responsibility to make you feel worthy and secure; that is more your responsibility than theirs. Whenever a partner feels hurt they resort to actions like displaying anger or violence towards the other. Others try harder to please their partner causing more harm than good. A few even resort to cheating! But, before you go about taking negative steps, ask yourself this: what do these actions achieve in reality? I will tell you: it leads to breakups and heartaches. So, learn to love yourself and take care of your own emotions to keep them positive and joyful. Let your partner feel better about him through your actions too, the rest will fall into place of its own accord and you will be able to enjoy a healthy and long relationship for sure.
Remember these five signs and try and check if these exist in your or others’ relationships. If you/they indeed show understanding towards yourself/themselves and your/their partners and attempt to heal relationships with responsibility, love, care, gratitude and thankfulness, a strong and long bond is inevitable.