With each passing year, the world is becoming more and more advanced thanks to the development of technology. Every year we hear somebody making a new breakthrough in the field of science and that is allowing us to develop newer ways to communicate, produce, and evolve. It is not a surprise that one of the deciding factors to determine if a country is developed or developing is the advancement of their technology and their implications in the cities. With all that in mind, here is a list of top 5 of the most technologically advanced cities in the world.
5. New York City

Most people would link New York City with the amazing lifestyle, bankings, and Broadway. However, one of the city’s gem is the Silicon Valley which is like the ultimate hub of technology. This particular place sees an annual investment of $7.3 billion in technology. In fact, the city is undergoing a huge fiber optic telecommunications upgrade throughout the city which would push NYC to the top of the list of advanced cities in the world.