5 Things That Happen to Our Body When We Shout, and How to Control It

A study conducted in 2018 found that 22% of those polled were furious, while 39% were highly anxious. And while anger is an essential state of mind for our survival, it frequently becomes out of control when our stress levels rise. And it can cause a slew of physical problems that we overlook until it’s too late.

CuriousMob.com gives some suggestions on keeping your cool while you’re enraged.

5. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase.

5 Things That Happen to Our Body When We Shout, and How to Control It

You may have observed that your heart rate rises when you raise your voice and get into a heated dispute. This causes your blood pressure to rise, so you appear agitated, with red cheeks and veins protruding from your skin. You’re also breathing faster and heavier, which helps to transport oxygen and nutrients to your significant organs. You may notice that your hands and feet are cooler than usual in some circumstances.