Distractions are always going to be a part of life. No matter how focused we tend to think of ourselves to be, we will be distracted some way or another. In fact, you will be able to relate to the fact how we get distracted by the smallest of things while doing something. Imagine if you could hold on to your attention span for more than just 20 seconds. You would have been so much more productive and get things done faster. Personally, I get have the attention span of a toddler; I will get distracted very easily. If you are like me, then you should see the 5 ways in which you can avoid getting distracted so easily.
5. Fulfill your wants first

This might seem like a very stupid thing to do, but if you have a very limited attention span then this is a smart life hack. Every day in our lives, there are things that we need to do and then there are things that we want to do. The needs are more important and include things like studying, working, doing errands, chores and so on. Wants are basically what we feel like doing; going out, watching that TV show, playing some games. The problem is that if we lack focus we will also wonder our minds to the things we want to do. So it is better if you finish off your wants first before sitting down and doing you things to do list with no distractions.