We often tend to overlook the things that men want in a relationship. Most of the time our focus is on what the girl thinks and what she longs for. However, we must not forget that it takes two to maintain a successful relationship and that includes the men. In order to sustain a long and happy relationship, one should take into consideration the things that men want. Listed below are 7 things that men want in a relationship.
6. Praise and acceptance

There is no denying that the men species have larger egos than their female counterparts. Even though females require the constant need for approval and a shower of praises, men need it every once in a while as well. They also need a sense of approval from their partners regarding their jobs, ambitions, and almost every single thing. So ladies, if there are certain aspects of your men that you like, then feel free to let them know about it. It won’t make them arrogant, but rather it will make them feel good and they will in return treat you better.