6 Things About Men Most Women Don’t Know

Have you ever wondered what dating and relationships are like for men? Many women believe that the dating game is easy for men as they seem to hold all the cards in a relationship. Believe it or not, men are also vulnerable when it comes to relationships and can go through similar things that women do when dating. Understanding the issues men face in relationships can help bring you closer to your significant other, or help make things easier for you while dating. Here are 7 things about men that many women may not know about.

6. Men cannot get attention easily

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/316659417530360539/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/316659417530360539/

It’s pretty easy for a woman to get a date, a compliment or romantic attention. This can be seen by the responses on a woman’s Tinder profile or even a simple post on social media. Most women have the security of understanding that male attention is available-should she want it. She has the power to accept or reject a man’s advances. However, the same doesn’t always apply to men. Men rarely get attention from women, especially if they aren’t especially confident or handsome. Even when they are dating or married, men rarely get romantic attention or compliments, as they are expected to give the compliments and/or attention.