Epidemics are bad. Every time there has been an outbreak of some sort of epidemic, the town or city or wherever it occurred turned into chaos, and lots of lives were lost. However, in most cases, a solution or cure was formed and the epidemic resided. It has not always been the case. Throughout history, there have been quite a lot of times when an epidemic broke out and the cause behind it was never found and no cure was formed either. Listed below are such 8 cases.
7. Encephalitis Lethargica aka Sleepy Sickness Epidemic

This particular epidemic broke out in 1918 and is largely forgotten about by most people. The Sleepy Sickness was so devastating that it ended up killing at least a million people while paralyzing another million on their bodies. It had a variety of symptoms including a sore throat and seizures. Nobody knew why it was happening. The infected person would slowly go into a coma or end up dead. The mortality rate was 40%. The Sleepy Sickness, however, ended in 1926 as quickly as it appeared.