Fatigue can follow you around like a leech even after maintaining a healthy diet and active lifestyle. This crisis of energy happens to a major portion of working adults who has the need to keep up with the pace of the fast-moving world. Keeping up the energy level is another challenge that we need to face in our daily lives. Even though continuous tiredness can be a symptom of a bigger problem lying dormant inside your body, you might try identifying a few energy zapping habits and changing them to regain your energy. Don’t run to the doctor just yet.
7. Irregular Sleeping Pattern

If your everyday sleeping routine is not the same, you are probably not getting enough sleep and it might be messing with the rhythms of your body. It will cause you more tiredness instead of restoring your energy at the end of the day. Having a restless sleeping partner just adds up to the erratic sleeping pattern.
Make sure your sleeping hours are constant every night, not deferring more than an hour or so on weekends and make sure you are getting at least 7 hours of sound sleep.