1. Zombies Ate My Neighbors

This game is a bit like a fun horror movie. It’s filled with all sorts of goofy monsters and second-fiddle villains, and the whole thing is played more for laughs than scares. Your job is to outrun each and every one of these enemies and be the first to reach the helpless neighbors. It is a perfect combination of an action and a scavenger hunt. This game is ideal as it has support for two players cooperative play and so will be excellent to play with your partner. Moreover, the visuals and animation are done very well and the music is bound to have an impact on everyone. So go ahead and have a blast fighting the creepy undead!
Video games are becoming increasingly popular today. Spending an evening in playing games with your better half is a fun way for both of you to spend some quality time together.This will also be a different and exciting thing to do on dates. You can either introduce them to the world of gaming or discover a new hobby with them. Welcome to the gaming world!