There are two kinds of people in this world; the first are the chocolate lovers. The second are the worst kind of human beings who want nothing but to watch the world burn down. These people are also known as the nonchocolate lovers. Well, not really but anyone who doesn’t love chocolate must hate everything and want nothing but destruction. See, there are multiple magical properties of chocolate. It can turn your whole day around, it can help create bonds, and it’s the perfect food to indulge yourself in. But if you need more reasons as to why chocolate is the best thing on Earth, then check out the list below.
8. Less time to decide on desserts

See the thing about chocolate lovers is that they know what they want when they are ordering off the menu when deciding for desserts. I mean, they will obviously pick the one with chocolate in it. If there are multiple chocolate dishes on the list, then they will go for the one with the highest amount of chocolate. So in that case, they will probably take around 0.56 seconds to pick their item and be done with it! No time wasted!