It is really easy to get bored about getting up every morning and going through the same routine life over and over again. Even though the life we have provides the essentials that we need to get by, we look around us and let out random sighs now and then seeing all the happy people around us. How do you distinguish these truly happy people? Or more importantly, what is their secret to being happy. They rarely talk about the little things in life that they follow to keep themselves happy. I would like to share 8 things happy people do but rarely talk about.
8. They Say No

Saying ‘no’ is really hard for some people especially for those who like to keep everybody happy. By saying ‘no’ they ensure that they are happy instead of making others happy and be stressed out as a result. However, it is also very important not to hurt the person you are saying no to You have to do it in a way that it doesn’t harm your relationship and that person is unhurt.