Every relationship has ups and downs. It’s normal to hit some rough patches during a long term relationship. However, any relationship where you feel frightened, depressed and just not good enough is a relationship that needs some serious thought. A relationship should make you feel happy and excited about all the possibilities ahead of you. Here are 8 things you should never have to tolerate in a relationship.
8. Negativity

While you may experience negativity from a partner who is going through hard times (loss of a family member, unemployment), it shouldn’t damage your relationship in the long run. However, a partner who is negative and miserable most of the time for no real reason will drag you down with them. You will start to feel negative all the time and will get into a vicious cycle of playing the blame game with your partner. This is will cause a downward spiral in your relationship where no one is happy. Don’t ever settle for someone who makes life negative instead of fun and inspiring.