8 Things You Are Doing That Piss Off Your Bartender

Everyone enjoys a night out hitting the bars; but while you do so, you may be pissing off your local bartender. However, a little thoughtfulness goes a long in making things easier for your bartender. Here are 8 things you should avoid doing next time you go out for a drink.

8. Treating your bartender like your psychologist

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/367324913336551469/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/367324913336551469/

Although most bartenders enjoy chatting with you, they do not want to hear your personal problems, so you should not try not to unload on them. Bartenders are there to work and serve you your drinks. The work can be stressful and fast paced and you can’t expect them to give life advice while mixing drinks for 20 other people.