Almost 95% of the people living in this world will live until they are in their 70s or 80s. Some reach the 90s while very few and I mean very few manage to live till they are 100. Celebrities are such people who are adored by all. We want them to live among us forever. Nobody lives forever, but there are very few celebrities who have managed to live one full century. Listed below are such 9 names who made it to the three digits.
9. George Burns

George Burns was an entertainer who lived from 1896 till 1996. In his appropriately titled memoir, “How to live to be 100”, George has shared his fitness and nutrition plan. While it wasn’t exactly a groundbreaking diet plan, it did have the backings of a person who did live a hundred years. His nutrition plan consisted a lot of stretches and walking. His diet also had a lot of prune in it.