7 Signs That You Are an Empath, and How to Cope With It

An empath is someone who cares about other people and often feels their feelings as if they were their own. People often go to them for help and advice because of this. But not everyone who cares about what other people are going through is an empath. There are some straightforward ways to tell if you are an empath or not, and some of them might surprise you.

Curiousmob.com did some research, and here are 7 good reasons to think you might be an empath.

7. You are too sensitive to sounds and noises.

7 Signs That You Are an Empath, and How to Cope With It

Sensitivity is more than just being aware of your feelings and emotions. It also means being sensitive to loud sounds, smells, and feelings. People sitting next to you who play loud music or talk loudly on their phones might bother you. Also, you might hate strong smells and be upset by sounds that make you feel things you didn’t expect to feel. You are sensitive to many things in daily life and prefer to keep the volume down when loud noises and sounds are around.