9 Things That’ll Happen to Your Body If You Do Sun Salutations Every Day

The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is a sequence of 12 repeating asanas that provide health benefits. Inverted positions like the downward dog can improve blood flow. It’s a great exercise that requires no equipment and can be adapted for any age or skill level. While much of yoga is folklore, we offer scientific verification.

CuriousMob.com compiled Sun Salutation benefits. And why it boosts mental and physical health.

9. It burns 400+ calories in 30 minutes.

9 Things That’ll Happen to Your Body If You Do Sun Salutations Every Day

One cycle of Sun Salutation is 12 asanas. Each quick Sun Salutation burns 13.90 calories and takes 30 seconds to a minute. One minute every round burns 417 calories in 30 minutes.

This pace and amount of Sun Salutations take practice. Start off slowly. Even a slow approach offers health advantages.