Top 5 Reasons Why You Are Not Over Your Almost-Relationship

2. Your friends don’t know the real story

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We all have those friends who know everything about us. They know what we are going through and are always there to lend a helping hand or even an ear to listen to our problems. But in cases like almost relationships, these friends don’t really understand our troubles. Why is that?  It is because they are used to seeing that on and off thing you have with your “almost partner”. They believe that it’s a temporary break and that you two will get back eventually. They cannot understand the fact that maybe it was never meant to be. Your friend will keep on giving you hope about the possibility to be in a relationship with that person. They try to make you optimistic. However, this same optimism pushes you further back into believing that things might change. You don’t get over that person because you hope that maybe things will turn out differently.