1. Play good music
1500women with an average age of 28 were asked by researchers to listen to simple and complex pieces of music and rate the attractiveness of the composer for a study from 2014. It was found that women preferred the more complex music. Alecturer at University College, Dublin,author Benjamin Charlton, said that ‘The ability to create complex music could be indicative of advanced cognitive abilities‘and also mentioned ‘Consequently, women may acquire genetic benefits for offspring by selecting musicians able to create more complex music as sexual partners.’
So basically while you’re too busy wearing your best outfits and taking hours to do your makeup and hair, trying to look attractive, you’re really missing out on how to actually attract someone. You can only attract a person with your looks for a while, but these are some of the things which portray your nature and it attracts people more when they see you have the qualities they look for in a person. These are some of the basic things you can work on if you are hoping to attract someone genuinely. Don’t let the artificial you define the kind of person you are, after all it’s the inner beauty that matters more.