7 Best Thrillers on Netflix

All movies are good in their own way, but doesn’t it feel like thrillers are the best? The thrillers got the best elements from every genre. Netflix has a whole library of movies available to you, but nothing is better for a genuine escape than the best thrillers. Here are the best thrillers on Netflix – true crime, horror, noir, comedy and more.

7. Shutter Island

Shutter Island is a mystery thriller movie directed by Martin Scorsese. It is based on the novel of the same name written by Dennis Lehane. The movie was released in February 2010 and it stars Leonardo DiCaprio as U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels and Mark Ruffalo as his partner Chuck Aule.

The movie follows two U.S. marshals who are investigating the disappearance of a patient from an asylum located on Shutter Island, but they soon find out that what they think is a reality might not be what it appears to be at all. It’s about their struggle to keep their sanity in a place where nothing seems quite right; where it’s difficult to find the truth and there are more questions than answers.”