If somebody were to ask me what was my favorite thing to do then I’m pretty sure that I would mention sleeping. I mean who does not love to sleep. It’s just one of those things that make you feel so good no matter where you are, or whatever it is that it going through your mind. People have their own ways of sleeping. Some like sleeping on super comfortable beds while others prefer hard solid surfaces. So I have gone on to find out the best positions for sleeping and listed below is my results.
3. Back Sleepers

If you are the kind of person who sleeps on their backs then it is very likely that you have a good spinal structure. Back sleepers often have no back pain as their body is aligned in a straight manner. Back sleepers also have lesser neck pain as their necks are on neutral ground without any pillow support. And that also allows you to breathe more easily as your mouth is not crushed against the pillows. However, the downside of sleeping on your back is that the gravity pulls down your tongue which can obstruct your windpipe. This can lead to difficulty in breathing!