10 Body Shaping Exercises You Can Literally Do While Lying in Bed

Sometimes you’re just having a lazy day and find yourself inside. You might be wondering what to do with yourself when you have no energy to go outside. When you’re craving Netflix, mint tea, and cookies but want to get something done, just work out on your bed. It’s like killing two birds with one stone!

Curiousmob.com wants you to rock out on the bed with these 10 exercises.

10. Straight leg raises

10 Body Shaping Exercises You Can Literally Do While Lying in Bed

Lie on your back and position your arms and legs so that they’re at a 90-degree angle to the ground. Lift both of your legs up to a 90-degree angle, then slowly lower it down. Repeat this 10 times and do 2 sets.