1. Cholesterol naturally increases as we grow older

This is more applicable for women where menopause may reflect a higher cholesterol levels as aging happens. According to the Mayo Clinic Cardiologist, Dr. Stephen Kopecky who focuses on preventive cardiology and have done extensive research in this particular area, men generally have higher cholesterol levels then women but when women approach menopause, things change a lot. Between the ages 60-70, there are more women with higher cholesterol than men. Although the reasons are not still clear, the lack of estrogen may have a good deal to do with this.
With all these factors, you should worry less about cholesterol levels and don’t get too much worked up with it. Just consult your doctor and move forward with what has been suggested without taking too much effort to cut down on your diet and such. If you stay tension free, the lack of mental stress would contribute a lot to a better health that has nothing to do with your cholesterol levels.