7 Everyday Things That Are Secretly Ruining Your Skin

Most of us hope our skin resembles fine wine as we age, although that doesn’t happen for everyone, unfortunately. We’ve seen numerous studies that show that 90% of the ageing process is just due to how we take care of our skin. While there is genetics involved, the environment does play a role in how it all works. How we take care of our skin can make a difference with how fast it ages and whether or not wrinkles will be more visible or less noticeable.

Here are 7 of the most common daily habits that can be harmful to your skin and over time, they can all lead to serious skin conditions:

7. Using too many skincare products

Switching between several skincare products may be difficult for your skin, as new preservatives and ingredients can contribute to acne breakouts and irritation. Switching between several skincare products may be difficult for your skin, as new preservatives and ingredients can contribute to acne breakouts and irritation. A problem that acne sufferers are more susceptible to is excessive use of the product. Repeatedly using acne products without rest periods can cause dryness, redness, and inflammation on your skin.

Have a routine of using 1 or 2 skincare products that are compatible with your skin type and give them enough time to create the desired effect.