2. Landmine

This exercise requires a barbell, a convenient equipment which offers challenging variations for high-value training movements such as push, pull, knee bend and hip extend. This move works nearly every muscle on one side of your body at a time, but specifically hits the glutes, deltoids, and quads. Start by grabbing the end of the weight collar and stand so the bar comes across your body. Then, hold the bar like you’re preparing to throw an uppercut. With a shoulder-width stance, squat down with your feet flat on the floor. Find a position where the weight isn’t pushing you over or causing you to lose balance. From the squat position, press back up while simultaneously rotating on your feet to face the base of the landmine. Press the weight overhead with the arm holding the bar and squeeze your core and the glute of your back leg hard. Lower the weight, pivot back to a square stance, and then return to the bottom of the squat again. For best results, repeat 10 times on each side.