10 Exercises to Do After a Long Day Sitting at Your Desk

7. Stretch your back with the cat/cow pose

10 Exercises to Do After a Long Day Sitting at Your Desk

This simple exercise can strengthen and stretch muscles in your neck and spine. Besides softly massaging the abdomen, it also makes you feel better when stressed.

On the floor:

  1. Lie down on the ground in a table pose, with your hands and knees under your hips.
  2. While inhaling, lift your sit bones, expand your chest, and lower your tummy toward the floor. Inhale deeply.
  3. Make sure your head moves in sync with the movement, and raise the crown of your head to your shoulders.
  4. After that, take a deep breath and perform the reverse movement. Lie down on your back and arch your back, moving your head and sit bones downward.
  5. Five times, switch back and forth between these two positions.

On the chair:

  1. Maintain an erect posture with your feet firmly planted on the ground.
  2. Your legs should support your arms while you relax.
  3. As you take a deep breath, raise your torso and gaze upwards.
  4. After that, exhale deeply while curving your spine and bringing your head closer to your chest.
  5. Five times, switch back and forth between these two positions.