Facebook Has A Secret Filter For Everyone

1. It is even easier finding this secret side of Facebook while using the desktop. First, log in to your Facebook account.



2. Click on the icon that is placed in the middle. The one that shows all of your messages and inboxes.



3. You will be displayed your recent conversations with your friends. On the left top corner, you will find a small option titled as the “Message Requests”. Click on that.



4. One you are in the “Message Requests” option, you will see another option called “See filtered requests”. Click on that and wait.



5. You will now see all the people who tried to message you while not being on your friend list. Most of these messages are usually spam messages and sometimes from people randomly asking you to add them.


The best part about this messages is that they can be quite entertaining at times. I have had multiple friends who received marriage proposals, declaration of love, banter from a rival sports team fan and so much more. If you are really bored, then just check these messages one by one and have a good laugh.