12 Avoidable Bad Habits That Have A Negative Mental Impact

1. Stop Multitasking

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/414894184392262703/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/414894184392262703/

Multitasking is an issue that divides quite a lot of opinions. Some people think that it saves time while in reality it does not. We multitask a lot. We have our dinner while watching the TV. We text people while in the middle of a conversation. We assume that we are getting things done quickly by overlapping one work with another. Truth be told, we are actually falling behind schedule. By doing multiple things, we are not focusing on anything particular. This results in high stress and anxiety leading to depression. The solution to this would be to do everything one at a time. Shut down your phone while working on the computer. Finish your food before watching TV. Finish everything one by one and you’ll see how quickly you get things done.