12 Avoidable Bad Habits That Have A Negative Mental Impact

10. Bullying is overtaking your life

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/557179785120316934/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/557179785120316934/

When we hear the word bully we usually imagine a big bulky kid in high school tormenting a nerdy looking boy. Well, bullying tends to happen outside of high school as well. In fact, bullying takes place in our workplace as well.  More than 70% of the people will say that they have witnessed a workplace bullying. Bosses tend to bully you into doing things while higher officials can also bully you. This result in your mood being spoilt and you develop this negative feeling about going to work. So how do you fight this? The first thing to do is to take a doctor’s appointment and solve out the mental issues you may have developed due to bullying. After you have done so, you can follow the doctor’s advice and try to make your workplace better.