4 Things That Happen to Your Body If You Start to Eat Almonds Every Day

1. It might make your baby smarter.

As was already said in this article, almonds can make the brain work better. A study done by Spanish scientists who looked at 2,208 pregnant women found that eating 74 grams of almonds a week might make your baby smarter. Then, when the children were 1, 5, and 8 years old, they were watched over. On IQ tests, kids whose moms ate almonds while they were pregnant did better.

Bonus: raw, soaked, or roasted almonds?

Ayurvedic medicine says that both raw and roasted almonds have the same benefits because they have the same nutrients. On the other hand, soaking almonds overnight and peeling them can help lower their tannin levels. Oral sources say that tannins might stop nutrients from being absorbed if you eat many of them, but recent studies haven’t found any evidence to support this.