9 Interesting Benefits of Walking Barefoot

Grounding, earthing, or just barefooting are all terms for the same idea. Whatever you choose to name it, it’s becoming increasingly popular among city dwellers. It’s unsurprising since it’s nutritious, uncommon, and completely free. So there are no more excuses for not going for a stroll or a run this time; simply go barefoot – it’s that simple!

The website CuriousMob.com discusses why removing your shoes is beneficial to your health and mind.

9. It can fix your flat feet.

Why More and More People Choose to Walk Barefoot in Public

Walking barefoot is a good and natural way to keep your feet from getting flat. It helps even more when you walk barefoot on the beach, grass, or a surface with bumps. People think that flat surfaces or wearing the wrong shoes are the leading causes of weak foot muscles.

Also, running without shoes can raise the height of your arch. When you walk barefoot, your foot muscles get stronger the more you do it.