If you really want to lead a healthy lifestyle then you need to have a balanced diet. Eating a salad once in a while or having an apple a day won’t really help you maintain that fit body or let you stay healthy. The breakfast happens to be the most important meal of the day and it is essential that you start the day with a good healthy food. Cause let us face it, if you start the day on a healthy note, you can carry on through the day the same way. With that being said, here are some of healthiest breakfast that you can find.
5. Berry Parfait Yoghurt Popsicles

I know what you all are thinking, having dessert for breakfast? Wait, am I actually suggesting to have popsicles for breakfast? Yes, it is one of those delicious desserts that is extremely healthy and tasty too. I mean you don’t need much to prepare this item. Get some yogurt, mix in some berries like raspberries or strawberries and then put them in your freezer overnight. You wake up and have something exciting in the morning.