Did you know that almost 70% of the body is made of water? It is without doubt the most important fluid that makes our bodily functions go smoothly. W. H. Auden, the famous Anglo-American poet, put it wisely when he said thousands have lived without love, not one without water. However, certain myths about water are just that: myths. Here are four of them that just do not seem to go away.
4. Your Body Needs Eight Cups Of Water A Day

How much should one drink a day you ask? The answer is simple. Drink according to your bodily needs; drink when you are thirsty and that will be good enough. The amount actually varies according to gender, weight, size, surrounding temperature, humanity and additionally, your daily activities. It also depends highly on what kind of food you have consumed that day. Hence, get rid of this number from your mind. Drink to your heart’s (i.e. body’s) content.