17 Signs Giving You A Hint That They’re Not The Right One For You

13. You don’t need to be extra nice. You are just a rebound

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/73465037647735821/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/73465037647735821/

If they keep bringing up the topic of their past, there is a high possibility that they are not over their ex. When you are really into someone, at times you don’t mind being the shoulder for them to cry on because at that point, you will want to show and prove how much you care for them and it is you who is going to be there for them no matter what the situation is. But the harsh reality is that, probably, you are just a rebound for them. Don’t let them use you only when they feel alone. I am sure, you deserve the best rather than being just a rebound.