Many people tend to work all through the year, save up their monthly earnings and then go for a big vacation in the summer or even during winter. Now a lot of people will make remarks or even casually ask questions what was the point of spending so much on a few trips? They could have easily invested that money in a TV or a car or maybe some furniture. At least they could have used those things more than the time spent at a vacation. Well, these people don’t know the experience that comes from a vacation or any trip for that matter. Here are 7 reasons why paying for experience is better than things.
5. Scrutinizing way

We human beings will always look at the world in a scrutinizing way. No matter what we purchase we will always try to find a flaw. A particular trouser may not fit you while a shirt may make you look fat. A mobile phone can have the best features but has a faulty battery. When we are stuck with such things, we are reminded of the bad stuff. However, if you are talking about some experience, no matter how bad it was, at the end of the day we will talk about it in a positive manner. If, for instance, we say we were stuck in rain en route to a vacation, we will say how much the rain made our trip a bit memorable.