10 People Who Have Celebrity Names

4. Sandra Bullock from Connecticut

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/563090759631852549/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/563090759631852549/

It’s not always annoying prank calls and hate emails. Sometimes, the people sharing the name with celebrities make fun of the situations. Take Sandra Bullock from Connecticut, for example, she shares the name with one of the most amazing actresses in recent time. Some people ask the “other” Sandra Bullock if she is really called that. When she says yes that’s her real name, they often say that the other Sandra had the name longer so she is entitled to it. This is where the fun begins, the other Sandra, despite being older than her celebrity counterpart, scares the fans out by saying if they thought she was older than the actress. This scares the wits out of the fans and they claim both the Sandras looks alike.