Phytochemical Reference Substance as a Natural Growth Promoter

Phytochemicals are natural compounds derived from plants and can be used to enhance growth and productivity. They increase nutrient availability and can be considered an effective antibiotic alternative. One can use phytochemicals in dry, solid, and ground forms depending on the process used by the researchers and scientists to derive ingredients.

Other than the food industry, companies have been using phytochemicals as growth promoters in poultry and other areas including livestock industry. A wide variety of spices and herbs including yarrow, thyme, rosemary, oregano, marjoram, ginger, garlic, green tea, coriander, and black cumin have been used by many industries for their numerous applications.

The concept of phytochemicals is often misunderstood because the benefits largely depend on the way active ingredients are derived and are used in products. Phytochemicals have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Their inclusion in diet stabilizes the immune system while reducing the toxic metabolites. Their capability to fight against bacteria gives instant relief from immune stress and improves the overall performance of the body.

Dietary inclusion of phytochemicals offers great benefits as the substances are effective in reduction of oxidative stress while increasing antioxidant activities in tissues, and thus, help in improving overall health. The discussion about reference substance and the herbal standard should begin with the quality. To measure quality, you have to produce it as you can’t just pick a substance and test the quality. Proper testing for the substances is necessary because that’s the most effective way to determine the quality.

Thankfully, medical science has advanced greatly in the last 30 years, as we now have highly advanced research facilities like Extrasynthese where researchers manufacture and sell phytochemical reference substance and herbal standard reference material. Many herbal substances can be found today as they are commercially available. Viewing reference substances can help people understand more about the analytical measurements and quality. Well documented details of safety, quality, and the efficacy of the raw material are crucial because that’s how people can learn and understand what they are buying.

Cancer and cardiovascular disease are the leading causes of death in most countries. Health experts recommend regular consumption of vegetables and fruits as they reduce the risk of such diseases. Functional foods are a rich source of bioactive components and may provide many health benefits beyond basic nourishment. People often ask if a purified phytochemical has the same benefits as a mixture of food. Studies have found that the effects of phytochemicals in vegetables and fruits are responsible for anticancer and antioxidant properties.

Phytochemicals, the plant compounds in vegetables, fruit, grains, and other plant foods are known for the health benefits they offer. Researchers have identified hundreds of phytochemicals and almost every day we get to hear about the effects of a newly discovered phytochemical substance. However, a lot of convincing evidence suggests that there are many benefits of phytochemicals and some may be even greater than what is currently understood.

Cells in humans, animals, and plants are exposed to oxidizing agents, and it’s a constant process that we can’t ignore because some of these agents are essential for the body. Some are present in food, air, and water, while some are produced within the body. The right phytochemical substance can maintain a balance between antioxidants and oxidants. Oxidative stress is one of the problems that occur whenever the body suffers from chronic bacterial infections. Prolonged illness can cause damage to the cells and DNA.

As a natural growth promoter, the phytochemical substance in plants slow down the excessive growth of oxidative agents and balance the amounts of antioxidants. They may help protect your cellular systems and lower the risk of life-threatening diseases.