8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

7. Dips

8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

This is a simple exercise that works the triceps and the upper body. Because it is easy to do, it is good for people who are just starting out. Most of the time, tricep dips should be done from a bench or chair. However, after a certain amount of training, you can also do dips from the floor.


  • If you move your elbows out to the sides, the load will go to the shoulder joints instead of the triceps.
  • When you round your back, you also put too much pressure on your shoulders, which can hurt you.

8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

The right way to do it

  • Put your palms shoulder-width apart on the edge of a stable chair, stabilize your hips, and stretch your legs forward so that your heels are on the floor.
  • Use the strength of your hands to slowly bring your body down. In the end, the angle between your elbows should be 90°. Then use your arms to push the bench away and get back to the starting position.
  • Your back should be straight and as close to the chair as you can get it. You should bend your elbows back, not to the sides.